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How to buy bonds using Bids in Zerodha

Bids The New Exciting Feature of Zerodha in Sept 2023

Zerodha’s maiden web application KITE introduces a new feature to buy & sell government bonds & state development loans. This new feature is named ‘Bids’ with a badge of NEW in the dashboard. The Image can be seen below


This feature so far is not seen in the all-encompassing mobile application of Kite but can be rolled out effectively in the future. ‘Bids’ is available in the KITE Web Version.

How to Use Bids to Buy T-Bills?

  • First Login to your respective Demat Account on Google Chrome or any other browser of your choice & select the option that reads Bids👇
  • After clicking on BIDs one gets three options Auction, IPOs & Government Securities 👇 Select => Government Securities
  • When you Click or Press Government Securities you will get a list of State Development Loans or SDLs. The name of the State will be written in front of it 👇
Government Securities
  • Scroll Down to the Bottom and you will see three Treasury Bills
    • 91-Day T-Bill with a maturity of 91 Days
    • 182-Day T-Bill with a maturity of 182 Days
    • 364-Day T-Bill with a maturity of 364 Days
tbills new
  • Here in front of T-Bills upon hovering and clicking one gets an option to Place Bids. The default amount is Selected. One can increase and decrease the amount only in multiples of 10000 INR
  • Fill in the amount of your choice in multiples & click on Place bid. You can also Modiy & Cancel the Bid as and when you want.
modify cancel
  • This is the easiest government bond-buying process that can be seen for the first time for retail investors in India. Buying a Treasury Bond was only restricted to Insurance Companies, Banks, and other Corporate Financial Entities. The easy process now allowed retail investors to take part in the RBI Operations by buying a bond for as low as 10,000 INR

Zerodha Demat Account

If you are interested in buying bonds, trading with 0 brokerage in delivery & getting the best support use the following link to open your demat account in Zerodha & get awesome & most trusted interface.

Kanishka Singh Rathore

Engineer Financial Planner Editor

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