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Israel News: Exclusive on Mass Protest against Netanyahu ’23

Israel News: Mass protests are going on in Israel but why and what do these protestors want? Let us try and break down the protest into the timeline so that it becomes easy to understand the above-mentioned questions.

Israel News: Why is Israel Protesting?

This all starts on 4th Jan 2023 when Israel’s Justice Minister Yariv Levin unveils plans to reform the judicial system. The reforms were aimed at curbing the power of the Judiciary in Israel.

Yariv Levin
Yariv Levin ~ Israel News Pic Courtesy Israel Hayom

Israel News: Yariv Levin Claims

In support of his reforms, Levin claims that ” The court’s power to strike down legislation is a danger to democracy “.

Israel News: Critics Claims

The critics of the policy claim that Netanyahu is on the trial for corruption charges which he denies. He is using the process of Judicial Overhaul to quash the possible judgments against him. Lead of Opposition Yair Lapid says the proposal “endangers the entire legal system of the State of Israel.

Yair Lapid
Yair Lapid

Israel News: What do the protestors want?

Protestors want the government to completely drop the bill that pertains to the law of Judicial Overhaul. Meanwhile, on 27th March 2023 Netanyahu said “When there’s an opportunity to avoid civil war through dialogue, I, as prime minister, am taking a time out for dialogue,“.

Benjamin Netanyahu a Prime Minister determined to bring judicial reforms in his country Israel has for now called for “an attempt to achieve broad consensus” which is nothing but a halt.

An anti-government protestor said “A temporary freeze does not suffice, and the nationwide protests will continue to intensify until the law is rejected in the Knesset,” reports Aljazeera

Timeline of the Israel Mass Protest

Here is a brief timeline of the event that cascaded into one of the biggest mass protests in the history of Israel

  1. 7th Jan 2023: First Mass Protest
  2. 4th Jan 2023: Levin Introduces the kill bill
  3. 12th Jan 2023: Judges say – “an unbridled attack on the legal system as if it were an enemy
  4. 21st Jan 2023: Other cities join the demonstration
  5. 24th Jan 2023: President appeals to protestors and says “an unbridled attack on the legal system as if it were an enemy
  6. 21st February 2023: United Nations advice to Israel
  7. 1st March 2023: Netanyahu warns the protestors of crossing “a red line” and says he would not “tolerate anarchy
  8. 6th March 2023: Fighter pilots join the protest
  9. 15th March 2023: Germany expresses concerns over the development
  10. 19th March 2023: Biden dials Benjamin
  11. 26th March 2023: Benjamin Netanyahu fires Gallant
  12. 27th March 2023: Israel’s trade union leader Arnon Bar-David declares a general strike
  13. 28th March 2023: Benjamin Netanyahu halts the Judicial Overhaul
Israel’s top trade union leader Arnon Bar-David declares a general strike
Israel’s top trade union leader Arnon Bar-David declares a general strike

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Kanishka Singh Rathore

Engineer Financial Planner Editor

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