How to earn online Post covid-19? this is the elephant in the room. A number of people are looking for a change like flexibility in the work, entrepreneurship or work from home, online sources of income etc. What should an individual do in 2022 so that they can sustain their family by working from home? Well for the starters let’s understand the situation here. There are two prerequisites for earning 1000$/month digitally.
- You should either know wordpress or willing to learn a cms
- Should have a laptop and a phone with good internet
The first thing that is needed is quick decision making and not changing your mind. The next thing is what are you comfortable doing? For instance, check the next paragraph.
What to do and how to earn $1000/month
There is a list of lucrative options to choose your online career based on your abilities and educational background.

- Ecommerce Store – Tough Line requires experience
- Selling Dreams – Counselling Tough again – Being a guru – Tech Ninja etc
- Online Pharmacy – Lucrative area
- Stock Market – Very Lucrative area
- Illicit Stock Advisory and Tips – Extremely Lucrative
- Writing Blogs – Hard Zone takes time but less resource intensive
- YouTube Channel – Not Very Hard but tough to drive traffic and sustain income.
There are many ways on how to earn but all of them boils down to the two ways of earning revenue. Direct selling or sales will bring you quick riches and views and publishing will bring you slow and steady income. It depends upon your temperament and aptitude what suits you.
- Product driven sites – Fast Result
- Content driven platforms – Slow Result
Demand Drawdown
A change in direction and orientation of people towards family, short and long term goals and obligations. This can be seen in the reduced amount of consumption. People are consuming only what is necessary and extra income is saved and put into the equities market. This may inflate the prices of the equities market and create a bubble because profits of the equities are driven by your consumption!!

How to earn via content driven platforms
There are two most common platforms for starting the earnings. The first platform is YouTube and the second one is Blogging. Facebook Watch is also a platform to earn from but it requires a huge number of views and the threshold criteria is also not clear.
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Implications of the demand drawdown on Earnings
There are a few roadblocks that will hamper the growth of both the content as well as product-based business. The demand side disruption. Demand is the biggest factor and If the demand falls, everything else will fall in line. The sales will hit directly because of it the advertising revenue is also going to be affected.
- Sales – Will become hard but this mode of online business will make you rich quickly
- Publishing – There will be more views of your content but the revenue per view will decrease, AARPU – Average revenue per user (view) will fall.

Factors leading to reduced demand in the market?
There is one prominent factor that is people are able to differentiate between their need and their demand. When the pandemic is on the head and wave after wave of the coronavirus variants is hitting the day to day life of the commoners, the focus is on spending on the “needs”. Moreover, according to the business standard infographic above the government as well as the Equity markets are all pulling in the savings of the households.

Recipe – Equity, Public Debt, Insurance companies – All eyeing the public savings. Reduced activity due to restrictions, increase in the printing of money by governments all are fueling the rise of prices as sooner or later the liquidity will be more but the production of the essentials will be less. Here comes inflation. The only way forward is to generate the demand via more production and activity. Creating goods that people really “need”. This means creating 10X better things at an affordable price.