In order to understand SEO Scams first, we have to look into what exactly is SEO? Then we will look into what are SEO Scams and how can we prevent ourselves from getting into one. This article is not about the number of SEO Scams. We can go ahead and write a story about that topic. This article is about clickbait that will help you understand how the process unfolds. So enjoy reading this 5 min article to learn the internal working of an SEO Scam.

What is SEO?
An SEO – Search Engine Optimization is a way by which Search engines like – google, bing, yahoo, firefox etc search the published content.
Why is SEO necessary?
SEO helps a search engine in identifying the source of the content. The main component of SEO is tagging. If for example, a user enters a query “digital marketing” in google.
The search engine Google takes up this word and looks into all the websites whose title, head, body and image bear a resemblance to this word. Then the engine dumps all the results to the user. The engines monitor users’ behaviour on the website.

The search engine is sensitive to users interacting with the content. If the user leaves your website without interaction or reading the content then Google will rank you down. Therefore content and user experience are very important for search engines.
SEO to a search engine is like saying how would a spider or bot know what your website is representing. Tagging – means image, text, multimedia everything should reflect the same topic. If you have good tagging, content and user experience then automatically the website will start ranking.
If the website follows all these things then the website will also get a lot of backlinks. So a focus on content, user experience and your identity. All this will create a good reputation for your website with a search engine. These are also known as best SEO practices.
How to do SEO by Yourself?
You can do SEO all by yourself using tools provided by Google.
- Use Page Speed Insight – To check loading speed, size of Images and other technical problems
- Canva for small size clear images – The plaform is outstanding and also free
- Yoast SEO free plugin – To arrange content on your wordpress website
- Analytics by Google – Just to measure your own performance
- Google Search Console – Free tool to understand how is the organic traffic landing on your website. Basically search console hints you to work on the keywords where your website is ranking. Search console provides an insight for your growth.
- Google Trends – Free tool to analyse top trending topics
- Keyword tool in case you need some suggestion for your content write up, the tool is free
- SEO quake – Free plugin for google chrome
- Keywordseverywhere – Free plugin for keywords in chrome and firefox
- Rank Math is also a good plugin that helps in ranking your website.

What are some of the popular paid SEO tools available in the maket?
According to some of the websites, there are other paid SEO experts as well whose charges are 1000$+
What is SEO Scam?
SEO Scam is the term coined by us and therefore you will not find any mention of this term anywhere. Why it is called a scam you will come to know when you read the following paragraphs.
Definition of SEO Scams
A software for SEO that is paid and does nothing except for providing you with a report for every little thing you do on your website. Finally, you realize that not only the software is overpaid but also it does nothing.
For example useless metrics like Keyword planner, Backlinks, CTR, Competitor Ranks, CTC etc. The list is endless.
Who are the victims of SEO Scams?
People from developed countries are the target of these SEO scams. The population age group of developed countries is such that they outsource most of their technical work. Therefore people from the USA, CANADA, the UK, AUSTRALIA, EUROPE, BRAZIL and SOUTH AFRICA are the prime targets.
How does an SEO Scams work out?
If you pack all these free tools and pack them into the software. You have SEO Scams ready to make millions rock and roll. The scam is a 3 stage process.
- Provide some basic free content for indexing in google so that everything appears legit.
- Now run a google ads campaign and get leads.
- Set up a sales team in a place like India that pushes and convinces a customer to opt for paid software.
- All these steps are part of Seo Scams
When do you need an SEO Expert?
As long as you don’t have enough content on the website you don’t need an expert. So that makes it clear that content creators and bloggers need more SEO than most other people. Like any new venture, a website requires initial nurturing. An individual has to do the hard work and get expertise in his/her craft. Once a sufficient amount of work like articles and blogs are hosted on the website. The basic structure along with content specialization is done.
A product seller or service seller needs google Ads, not an SEO or maybe both.
All those people who have already ranked for a keyword and have a strong team will never let you rank for that keyword. Therefore there is a word called “Niche”. It simply means going out and creating new content that no one is writing about.
Your Logic and Knowledge both are enough to prevent these Seo scams. If you’re analytical, and which I believe most of you who are reading this are. You know that everything is freely available on YouTube or Google search so make the most use of it. Also sharing articles like the one you’re reading and creating a community to discuss things will also help in preventing the propagation of substandard services.
How to prevent Seo Scams?
Note – Any payment for an SEO tool online is a big NO. This gives an invitation to SEO scams.
Finally, the decision to opt for free software and tools Vs paid one is totally yours. Our efforts are to show you both sides of the coin without any biases. The only way forward is if Google creates a tool like analytics for SEO. Any other search engine creates a tool for all search engines, which does not involve coding and whose interface is as easy to use as WordPress. This will prevent most SEO Scams.
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